18 research outputs found

    Interferometry for a space-based gravitational wave observatory : reciprocity of an optical fiber

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    Sub-pm/Hz\mathrm{\mathbf{\sqrt{\rm Hz}}} non-reciprocal noise in the LISA backlink fiber

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    The future space-based gravitational wave detector Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) requires bidirectional exchange of light between its two optical benches on board of each of its three satellites. The current baseline foresees a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber for this backlink connection. Phase changes which are common in both directions do not enter the science measurement, but differential ("non-reciprocal") phase fluctuations directly do and must thus be guaranteed to be small enough. We have built a setup consisting of a ZerodurTM^{\rm TM} baseplate with fused silica components attached to it using hydroxide-catalysis bonding and demonstrated the reciprocity of a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber at the 1 pm/Hz\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}} level as is required for LISA. We used balanced detection to reduce the influence of parasitic optical beams on the reciprocity measurement and a fiber length stabilization to avoid nonlinear effects in our phase measurement system (phase meter). For LISA, a different phase meter is planned to be used that does not show this nonlinearity. We corrected the influence of beam angle changes and temperature changes on the reciprocity measurement in post-processing

    Measurement of the non-reciprocal phase noise of a polarization maintaining single-mode optical fiber

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    Polarization maintaining single-mode optical fibers are key components in the interferometry of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). LISA's measurement principle relies on the availability of space qualified fibers of this type which influence the phase of light with a wavelength of 1064 nm passing in opposite directions through them with differences smaller than 6 prad/. We present a measurement scheme suitable to sense these non-reciprocal phase changes, as well as results obtained using this setup on samples of commercially available fibers. The experimental setup for the fiber characterization consists of a quasi-monolithic interferometer which constitutes a representative cut-out of the local interferometry on-board LISA concerning the fiber. Several noise sources are identified and improvements to the setup are presented to overcome them. The noise level achieved using this setup is between approximately 40 prad/ and 400 prad/ in the frequency range between 1 mHz and 1 Hz. It is also verified that this noise level is limited by the setup and not introduced by the fiber.DLR/50 OQ 060

    Sub-pm√Hz⁻¹ non-reciprocal noise in the LISA backlink fiber

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    The future space-based gravitational wave detector laser interferometer space antenna (LISA) requires bidirectional exchange of light between its two optical benches on board of each of its three satellites. The current baseline foresees a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber for this backlink connection. Phase changes which are common in both directions do not enter the science measurement, but differential (non-reciprocal) phase fluctuations directly do and must thus be guaranteed to be small enough. We have built a setup consisting of a Zerodur baseplate with fused silica components attached to it using hydroxide-catalysis bonding and demonstrated the reciprocity of a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber at the 1 pm√Hz-1 level as is required for LISA. We used balanced etection to reduce the influence of parasitic optical beams on the reciprocity measurement and a fiber length stabilization to avoid nonlinear effects in our phase measurement system (phase meter). For LISA, a different phase meter is planned to be used that does not show this nonlinearity. We corrected the influence of beam angle changes and temperature changes on the reciprocity measurement in post-processing

    Compact flexible multi-pass rotary delay line using spinning micro-machined mirrors

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    We propose a new method to extend the path length tunability of rotary delay-lines. This method was shown to achieve a duty cycle of >80% and repetition rates of over 40 kHz. The new method relies on a new multi-segmented micro-machined mirror and serial injection of a single reflection onto separate segments of this mirror. The tunability is provided by the relative positioning of each reflective point on the mirror segments. There are two distinct modes of operation: synchronous and asynchronous. By simply manipulating the spatial position of the returning paths over the respective mirror segments, we can switch between increasing the repetition rate (asynchronous mode) or the total delay path (synchronous mode). We experimentally demonstrated up to 8 m/s scans with repetition rates of up to 42.7 kHz. Furthermore, we present numerical simulations of 18 reflection points to illustrate possibility of achieving a scan speed of up to 80 m/s. Through intermediate combinations of synchronous and asynchronous operation modes with 4 or more passes, we also show that the system can simultaneously increase both repetition rate and scan depth.Australian Research Council Early Career Researcher Award (DE160100843), Future Engineering Research Leadership Funds, Discovery Translation Funds

    Quantum noise limited trace gas cavity enhanced polarization spectroscopy

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    We present a new molecular trace gas absorption spectroscopy architecture and its recent progress. It uses optical cavity polarization states for an ultra-sensitive absorption readout, and achieves shot noise limited performance

    Sub-pmHz1{{\sqrt{{\rm Hz}}^{-1}}} non-reciprocal noise in the LISA backlink fiber

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    The future space-based gravitational wave detector laser interferometer space antenna (LISA) requires bidirectional exchange of light between its two optical benches on board of each of its three satellites. The current baseline foresees a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber for this backlink connection. Phase changes which are common in both directions do not enter the science measurement, but differential ('non-reciprocal') phase fluctuations directly do and must thus be guaranteed to be small enough. We have built a setup consisting of a Zerodur baseplate with fused silica components attached to it using hydroxide-catalysis bonding and demonstrated the reciprocity of a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber at the 1 pm Hz1\sqrt{{\rm Hz}}^{-1} level as is required for LISA. We used balanced detection to reduce the influence of parasitic optical beams on the reciprocity measurement and a fiber length stabilization to avoid nonlinear effects in our phase measurement system (phase meter). For LISA, a different phase meter is planned to be used that does not show this nonlinearity. We corrected the influence of beam angle changes and temperature changes on the reciprocity measurement in post-processing